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5th elementとは「知識」を意味します。
私たち5th elementは、世界最大のユースカルチャーと呼ばれるヒップホップに着目し、その4大要素であるDJ、MC、ブレイクダンス、グラフィティアートに加え、近年新たなエレメントとして加えられつつある 「知識」を取り上げ、音楽を通じて、身の回りや世界で起きている社会問題を直に感じ取ってもらえるように上映・ディスカッションなどの学び合いを行っています

Code of Conduct (JA / EN)

Statement: Fifth Element Japan Principles


At, we have been working with an emphasis on “knowledge” as the fifth element of hip hop to reach people in Japan so that they become conscious about issues that matter to them and to speak up their diverse ideas for solutions.


As we witnessed “hip hop education” growing in the United States with the idea of hip hop pedagogy at a conference in November 2013, we hereby declare these principles to be fundamental to us for further activities to keep the culture alive in support of the values of hip hop:


  1. We believe that hip hop has the power to provide consciousness for people in all walks of life to gain knowledge and skills to live in full spirit. 

  2. When hip hop is used in a classroom setting, we believe that hip hop can help one another to appreciate the real values of individuals that had not been evaluated in grades and standard tests, and allow individuals to prepare for their future to fulfill their roles they wish to play.

  3. “Education” itself is about providing an environment for each individual to teach one another. We expect the role of “teachers” to be creative in providing a learning environment for “students” to be motivated to learn by facilitation and guidance.

  4. When hip hop is used for educational purposes, we strongly encourage that it should NOT be used to promote linguistic imperialism, colonialism, hate, centralization, mono-culture, ethnocentrism, hierarchy. Instead we believe its virtue is peace, love, unity and having fun, and promote empathy and understanding to struggles of people, and appreciate diversity while allowing both “students” and “teachers” to question any information and dynamics provided within the classroom.

  5. The consciousness/oneness (of hip hop) is like a resilient castle built not by placing uniform concrete, but by combining different shapes and sizes of individual stones to present maximum features of individuals. We believe the castle of hip hop consciousness will be a shelter for people from rain, and to prepare for the goals they wish to overcome.

 As an organization based in Japan, a nation state with a history of being victim and victimizer, we hope that hip hop,when used in a classroom setting, will promote the ethics of peace, love, unity and having fun, and will help grow individuals to become neither victim nor victimizer.

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